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Hello there 👋🏾 I'm Justin Webber. I create products and strategies for the next generation of user experiences (UX) - specializing in automation, blockchain, and artificial intelligence (AI).

My work

Product Designer

Our team was tasked with building a proof of concept (POC) for a system capable of enforcing transparency and visibility within the multiple stages of Toyota's supply chain. During this time, I led the UX design effort and performed rapid competitive research that enabled my team to leverage techniques from a wide range of experiences (e.g. asset tracking, inventory management, etc.) - enabling users to work with a familiar set of terms and patterns resulting in a simplified experience when interacting with the blockchain specific aspects of the solution.

Toyota North America - Workflow management


Founded in 2018, Tarski Technologies' experts have formed relationships with startups and Fortune 500 companies including Toyota North America, JP Morgan, and Verizon.

Tarski Technologies - Establishing a UX foundation


Focus groups help researchers better understand people. They are flexible by design and capable of generating discussion between topic leaders, decision-makers, and the general public.

Thoughtnav - Online focus group platform


3IEIO is an employee engagement and recognition platform that enables companies to facilitate a rewarding environment for their employees while monitoring their growth with behavioral analytics. This application won third place during the annual Hedera Hackathon hosted by Hedera Hashgraph.

3IEIO - Decentralized employee engagement and recognition


Create. Connect. Innovate.

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